Saturday, August 16, 2008

Throwing Rubbish...

... out of the car window is no good.
Yesterday on the way back home, i saw a kid actually throwing out a chocolate wrapper from the side window. Initially i wanted to honk her but then i resisted. This act of throwing shows us how educated our people are and the Malaysian level of morality.
Imagine a 3-4 years old kid know how to throw rubbish out of a car window. Who is the one who taught them to do so? Maybe parents have lame excuse that the kids learnt from others. But who is responsible to teach their own kids this simple rule? It is really 'sampah masyarakat' not to even have a little bit of consideration.
It is just a simple logical thinking that we shouldnt throw rubbish anywhere we want. If we throw, somebody has to pick it up. Those wrappers or bottles are not degradable. Thus, it will exist until somebody else picking it up to be thrown into rubbish bin.
So... be considerate and be responsible!

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